We've been desperate to shoot something cool since we finally relaunched our little brand into the world. Producing slick content of high quality, rad cars, regardless of brand, age or style is something we're really passionate about. We've shot a couple now, including a Porsche 964 and BMW E31, but we've been itching to produce a cool video with something new. The only problem is that its winter still, so a lot of cars are off the road having work done, or owners don't wan to cake them in dirt and salt.
However, a couple weekends ago we fired a message across to @bad.time.tom on instagram, who owns a badass PS13 to see if he was keen for an impromptu shoot. He invited us down to link up with him and a few of his homies for some late night shenanigans in Kent.
We tagged along on a convoy jumping from spot to spot with a couple moments along motorways, and dual carriageways, the photo below was taken in the Davenport Tunnel!
We had no real plan for what content we wanted to shoot, other than to shoot some skid footage and a few rollers.
We ended the night by pulling up to a spot we previously used when we shot @danny_means_well Z3, something I would usually avoid as a photographer, but given how impromptu the shoot was, and how banging of a spot it is we took a couple stills of the car parked up in front of the Davenport Bridge, the camera however did struggle, the following shot was taken at about 25000 ISO haha.
We're pretty stoked with the outcome regardless of how short notice and disorganised the shoot was. The video came together pretty nicely in the end too, and in fact the graininess of the camera added to the aesthetic of the video.
Check out the video we released on Youtube!
Be sure to get in contact with us if you're got a cool car and think its camera worthy! We'd love to produce something with it if so.
Till then keep on the look out for the next WW feature.